Further information page
complete with links to other articles,
filter manufacturers etc.
for coastal photography
- introduction, gives some filters that would be useful in a specific case.
Filters for autumn colours
looks at the different types of filters, some to assist some perhaps to enhance
the effects, we also look at where its needed as opposed to being able do this
in editing.
Protection filters
- filters on lenses to keep the lenses clean.
Neutral Density and Graduated
Filters-ND graduated filters
- the most essential filters, looking at hard, soft, reverse, strengths
and how to decide what to use, setting exposure and more.
Graduated filters
- coloured graduated filters allowing images to be improved.
ND filters
- used to allow longer exposures, having a range of uses.
- the most commonly used of all special filters beyond the protection
Special Effects
Effect filters
- special effects like stars, soft effects , netting and more.
Monochrome Effect Filters 
Accessories and Holders
Filter holders
- the sizes, types and arrangements, which one is best for your lenses.
Stepping rings
- allowing a holder, adaptor or other filters to be used across a range of
lens sizes.
Other methods with similar results
and multiple exposure
- used with filters or with card to give similar effects to using
some filters.
Filters - Other solutions
- other ways to get similar effects, without using filters, and differences.
Exposure Control and Graduated Filters
- Camera Images ‘Short’ 3 hour course that can be taken on its own or combined
with others on , and we have also covered a little on this. In under half the
time, the same ground cannot be covered as in the Masterclass but the basics and
areas that are either of most interest or most relevant to your photographic
interests can be covered.
Exposure Masterclass
run by Photography
Skills. The object is to be able to manage exposure in just about any
situation, coping with challenging situations and extremes, as well as being
in creative control at all times. This, like several others, may at first
seam like a simple subject but is an interesting and exciting range of
knowledge and skills that allows you not only to get the right exposure in
more situations but to understand why problems arise and how to overcome
them. You take away with you both the understanding and skills as well as an
exposure aid that is exclusively produced for clients of Camera Images and
Photography Skills.
Black & White Masterclass.
Dual tone, sepia and
Black & White photography is popular at the moment and more people wanting
to both understand it and get to grips with producing stunning and memorable
results. The Photography Skills Masterclass on Black & White Photography
covers this in detail, covering filters and when they are used, in camera
and editing methods to get good results.