Project - supplement
Slices - Coins
To go with
Depth of field magic
The challenge was to take a photo five coins
deep at an angle.
The image above shows the
arrangement of the camera and coins, and on the right a view over the
camera at the coins.
Slices set -
click here to download zip
We have used a series of 19 photos that are
focused at different points, and have combined the sharpest parts of each
to produce a single sharp photograph through the focusing range.
You can download this as a zip file that
includes the 19 source photos plus the resulting image I created with
Helicon Focus.

To build your own photo with this set of
slices you don't need the output file, this has a longer name, while the
slices are just a list of image numbers in order. So put just the
slice images into a folder where you can find it.
You can also look at any of these files on
any photo viewer or editor. They are all jpg's.
To see a large copy the
resulting image in a new browser window, that I produced, and which has
had no further editing
here. |
Details of what to do is included in the
Depth of field magic
(project), that is based upon these images. It also has photos of sections
of the resulting image.
How these slices were created is covered in
the article Capturing slices with
a Nikon DSLR.

Animation of what is
The animation available from the link below illustrates this, shown
at 25% size. The top image is showing the images taken one by one, the
display above shows you which one it is and clicking on any of these will show
that shot, stopping the animation. Below this is a static image that is
the result, and below this image is a set of controls to control the top image display, it can be stopped, started, slowed down or speeded up.
Click here to see the
animation in a new window, close the new window to get back here.