UK Common Wildflowers
The is a guide to the most common
wildflowers to be found around the UK, both in the countryside and coasts. It is by no
means all the wild flowers that we have in the UK, as in the 'Complete
British Wild Flowers' book, by Collins, at the bottom of this page lists
over 1100 species of British Wild Flower. What we have tried to do initially
it to put together a guide that covers the more common ones that cover most
areas of the UK, so that when you are out and about you have a quick
reference guide. So these are the flowers you are likely to see when
out walking or driving around the UK.
How we have organised
this guide
As you move down the page you will come
across two types of list for the same flowers. Firstly we have listed the
flowers by month they are out in flower using a small thumbnail image. You
can see from this that when you are out and about during the spring and
summer months there is a lot more you will come across. Whereas during the
autumn and winter our countryside changes and there are very few flowers out
on view as they are hibernating underground during the colder weather.
Below the monthly section we then list each
flower alphabetically. This time we have used a larger image of the flower,
which links to another larger image which will display in a separate window.
Next to the image in the grid is the plants common name, in bold, that most
of us know these flowers by, we have followed this by (their flowering
dates). We also give you an idea of where you might find them, links to any
further pages on this website which will give you more detailed information
and links to the original photograph, for those of you who may want to see
more images by that photographer.
We hope you find this useful for helping to
identify the flowers when you are out and about, or those you have already
have amongst your picture library.
It is intended that this guide will be
continually updated and therefore if you know of a wildflower we have
missed, then please do let us know and we will add it. If you have a photo
you could send us of your recommendation then that would be greatly
appreciated also.
Flowers by Month
January |

Snowdrop |

Gorse |
February |

Snowdrop |

Celandine |

Gorse |

Coltsfoot |
March |

Snowdrop |

Daffodil |

Wood Anemone |

Marsh Marigold |

Daisy |

Dandelion |

Celendine |

Coltsfoot |

Primrose |

Gorse |

Blackthorn |
April |

Bluebell |

Cowslip |

Fritillary |

Cuckoo Flower |

Wood Anemone |

Jack by the Hedge |

Celendine |

Daffodil |

Coltsfoot |

Daisy |

Dandelion |

Primrose |

Marsh Marigold |

Cow Parsley |

Blackthorn |

Gorse |
May |

Bluebell |

Cowslip |

Red Campion |

Yellow Iris |

Birds Foot Trefoil |

Jack by the Hedge |

Fritillary |

Cuckoo Flower |

Daisy |

Dandelion |

Bramble |

Celandine |

Wood Anemone |

Red Clover |

Primrose |

Marsh Marigold |

Hawthorn |

Cow Parsley |

Gorse |
June |


Bee Orchid |

Birds Foot Trefoil |

Bluebell |

Ox-Eye Daisy |

Red Campion |

Yellow Iris |

Daisy |

Dandelion |

Dog Rose |

Bramble |

Jack by the Hedge |

Poppy |

Red Clover |

Sea Campion |

Clover |

Cow Parsley |

Honeysuckle |

Hawthorn |

Yarrow |

Marsh Marigold |

Gorse |
July |

Bee Orchid |

Red Campion |

Ox-Eye Daisy |

Buddleia |

Foxglove |

Teasel |

Yellow Iris |

Dog Rose |

Daisy |

Harebell |

Dandelion |

Birds Foot Trefoil |

Red Clover |

Bramble |

Poppy |

Sea Campion |

Honeysuckle |

Yarrow |

Clover |

Gorse |
August |

Birds Foot Trefoil |

Bramble |

Daisy |

Poppy |

Dandelion |

Harebell |

Heather |

Buddleia |

Foxglove |

Red Campion |

Ox-Eye Daisy |

Yellow Iris |

Teasel |

Red Clover |

Sea Campion |

Yarrow |

Clover |

Honeysuckle |

Gorse |
September |

Daisy |

Bramble |

Red Clover |

Dandelion |

Poppy |

Clover |

Honeysuckle |

Heather |

Buddleia |

Ox-Eye Daisy |

Red Campion |

Harebell |

Birds Foot Trefoil |

Yarrow |

Gorse |
October |

Daisy |

Dandelion |

Yarrow |

Red Campion |

Gorse |
November |

Yarrow |

Gorse |
December |

Teasel |

Gorse |
Listed in Alpha Order
Bee Orchid
(June to July)
Open grassland, can be
found in disused quarries,
roadsides and waste
Photo by:
Ian Boyd
Birds Foot Trefoil (May
to September)
Found in fields, meadows and
Photo by:
Phil Sellens
Blackthorn (March to
Ripe fruit, known as Sloe's, in
Found in woodland and hedgerows.
Bluebell (April to June)
Found in woodlands
Where to Photograph Bluebells in England

Where to Photograph Bluebells in Scotland

Where to Photograph Bluebells in Wales

Where to Photograph Bluebells in Northern Ireland

Where and
How to Photograph Bluebells in the UK

Bramble/Blackberry Bush
(May to September)
Found in Hedgerows throughout
the UK
Keith Roper
(July to
Also known as the
Butterfly Bush as
it's flowers
Found in Roadside
verges and areas
of waste ground.
This photo shows
how popular the
buddleia bush is
with butterflies
as resting/feeding
on this flower
head is
a Peacock, Red
Admiral and Small
Photo by:
G Bayliss
Clover, white (June
to September)
The most common of the
Found in parks, banks, lawns
any grassy area.
Photo by:
D Greves
Colts Foot
(March to April)
Flowers before leaves appear.
Found in edges of roads and
Photo by:
Rachel |
Cow Parsley
(April to June)
Found in
woodland edges
and meadows.
Photo by:
Sarah Gadd
Cowslip (April-May)
Found in Open woods, grassy
places and meadows.
Photo by:
D Greves
Found in Damp meadows and
Photo by:
Tim Green
Daffodil (March and
Found in Woods, fields and
Where to Photograph

Way - Gloucestershire

Daisy (March to
October) Short
stemmed just peeps above grass variety.
Very common found in
grassy areas, like fields, grass verges, gardens.
Photo by:
Andre Karwath
Dandelion (March to October)
Dog Rose (June and
Found in Hedgerows
Photo by:
Jean Mottershead
Found in woodland clearings and
edges and grassy banks
Photo by:
Allan Rostron
(April to May)
Found in Wet
those that
flood during
the winter.
Special events
mentioned in
our wildlife
calendar in Cricklade,
Wiltshire and
The Snakeshead
shown in this
image is rare
and can be
found in a few
Cricklade and
Photo by:
Miles Underwood
Jack by the Hedge or Hedge Garlic (April
to June)
Found in Hedgerows and woodland
Photo by:
Nick Saltmarsh
Gorse (All Year, Peak time February to
There are 3 varieties and at any
time of the year at least one is in bloom.
Found in Heaths, roadside banks,
sea cliffs and scrubland.
Photo by:
John Haslam
(July to
Found in Dry
Photo by:
Dave Rogers
Hawthorn (May to June)
Found in hedgerows.
Photo by:
J A Holland
(August to September)
Found in Heaths and moors and
likes sandy soils.
Photo by:
Gregory Wake
Honeysuckle (June to
Found in Woods and hedgerows.
Lesser Celendine (February to
Found in Woodland, grassland, meadows and hedgebanks.
Photo by:
Mark Hobbs
Marsh Marigold
(March to June)
Found in Wet meadows, marshes,
wet woodlands and grows well in shade.
Photo by:
Brian Pettinger
Ox-eye Daisy
(June to September)
Found in Roadsides, meadows and
waste ground.
Photo by:
Joey Ramone
(June to September)
Found in farmland, waste ground,
field edges, roadsides.
John Beniston
(March to May)
Found in grassy verges and
woodland edges
Campion (May to October)
Found in hedgerows, woodland and
shady areas.
Clover (May to September)
Found in grass verges, fields
and meadows
Anita Gould
Campion (June to August)
Found in cliff tops and shingle.
Photo by:
Dave Rogers
Snowdrop (January to March)
Found in woodland and riverbanks
and other moist soil.
Where to Photograph

Valley, Wheddon Cross, Somerset

Teasel (July to
Found in Open woods,
stream banks, roadsides,
rough ground, grassland,
railway banks.
Looks like this photo in
December when loosing
flower and it's seeds
become visible. This
flower head is a popular
plant for Goldfinches
who feast on their
Wood Anemone (March
to May)
Found in shady deciduous
Photo by:
Miles Wolstenholme
(June to November)
Found in Meadows, roadside
verges, parks and gardens.
Photo by:
Richard Carter
Yellow Iris
(May to August)
Sometimes referred to
as Water Iris or Flag.
Found in Damp edges of
ponds, lakes, rivers
and canals.
Photo by:
Complete Guide - British Wild Flowers
A photographic guide to every common
Paperback with 320 pages, published by
A guide to all the wild flowers of
Britain with photographs of both flowers, leaves and where appropriate
seeds. With over 1,000 main entries it covers wildflowers, shrubs,
aquatic plants, grasses, sedges and rushes, makes this a good field
Helpful information about habitats and
useful tips to aid identification are included along with a botanical
hotspots section detailing 100 rarer species. Comparison pages show
different leaf shapes and flower clusters to enable quick and easy
navigation to the right section of the book to make your identification.
Detailed information on which places to visit in Britain particularly
rich in flower species are also included, along with individual maps
showing where each species can be found. |
See Also:
Where to Photograph UK Wild Plants

Where to Photograph Wild Plants (Alpha)

Where to Photograph Wild Plants (County)


Gardens Doorway
Gardens in the UK

Gardens in England

Gardens of Scotland

Gardens of Wales

Roses in the UK

Autumn Colours

and Forests
