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The following are links to websites that will give you the current time around the world or allow you to calculate it. We have a fuller article looking at time and different methods of calculating, as well as the effect of daylight saving time or summer time, where is currently light, atomic clocks, and Startrek Star Dates. Read More .....

Current time

        GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

        Current Time in Britain

        Current Time in many places around the world

World weather server - the weather anywhere (you also get the current time anywhere)

Time Codes and Zones

        Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

        European Time Codes

        North American Time Codes

        Military and NATO Time Codes

        Time Shift Worldwide Chart giving the time variations for countries around the world in relation to GMT.

Where is currently light  http://www.time.gov/timezone.cgi?UTC/s/0/java also time in any US state.

Want to know the exact time (GMT and local time) good for setting clocks etc.


Current time in many places around the world

http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/   or longer list at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html

What is the time in one place when it is a defined time in another

How you set the date, if you want 12 or 24 hour representation http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

Registry helper http://www.reghelper.com look at affiliate

Want a clever clock to show a number of places on your computer desk top that can be customised to suit you, then see

http://kybtec.de/wbx01/ssh01/Home/HomeX01.aspx the4

When do the clocks change

Daylight saving dates around the world.

Star Trek Stardate Times

To convert any date/time to a Stardate time - http://www.hillschmidt.de/gbr/sternenzeit.htm



By: Tracey Park Section:  Reference Section Key:
Page Ref: time Topic: Reference Last Updated: 07/2009

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