Home Newsletter Locations Diary




County Codes List

Also known as the Chapman Codes

See the article - County Codes for a description of this code list.

List by Country and Type


CHI Channel Islands

ENG England

IOM Isle of Man

IRL Ireland

SCT Scotland

WLS Wales

ALL All Countries


 Channel Islands

ALD Alderney

GSY Guernsey

JSY Jersey

SRK Sark


England  - Ceremonial or Ancient Counties

BDF Bedfordshire

BRK Berkshire

BKM Buckinghamshire

CAM Cambridgeshire

CHS Cheshire

CON Cornwall - may not be able to be used

COW Cornwall - alternative (see note below)

CUL Cumberland

DBY Derbyshire

DEV Devonshire

DOR Dorset

DUR Durham

ESS Essex

GLS Gloucestershire

HAM Hampshire

HEF Herefordshire

HRT Hertfordshire

HUN Huntingdonshire

IOW Isle of Wight

KEN Kent

LAN Lancashire

LEI Leicestershire

LIN Lincolnshire

LND London (City only)

MDX Middlesex

NFK Norfolk

NTH Northamptonshire

NBL Northumberland

NTT Nottinghamshire

OXF Oxfordshire

RUT Rutland

SAL Shropshire

SOM Somerset

STS Staffordshire

SFK Suffolk

SRY Surrey

SSX Sussex

WAR Warwickshire

WES Westmorland

WIL Wiltshire

WOR Worcestershire

YKS Yorkshire

ERY Yorkshire East Riding

NRY Yorkshire North Riding

WRY Yorkshire West Riding


Scotland - Ceremonial or Ancient Counties

ABD Aberdeenshire

ANS Angus

ARL Argyllshire

AYR Ayrshire

BAN Banffshire

BEW Berwickshire

BUT Bute (Buteshire)

CAI Caithness

CLK Clackmannanshire

DFS Dumfriesshire

DNB Dunbartonshire

ELN East Lothian (formerly Haddingtonshire)

FIF Fife

ANS Angus (formerly Forfarshire)

INV Inverness-shire

KCD Kincardineshire

KRS Kinross-shire

KKD Kirkcudbrightshire

LKS Lanarkshire

MLN Midlothian (formerly Edinburghshire)

MOR Moray (formerly Elginshire)

NAI Nairnshire

OKI Orkney

PEE Peeblesshire

PER Perthshire

RFW Renfrewshire

ROC Ross and Cromarty

ROX Roxburghshire

SEL Selkirkshire

SHI Shetland

STI Stirlingshire

SUT Sutherland

WLN West Lothian (formerly Linlithgowshire)

WIG Wigtownshire


Scotland  1975-1996 regions

BOR Borders

CEN Central

DGY Dumfries and Galloway

FIF Fife

GMP Grampian

HLD Highland

LTN Lothian

OKI Orkney Isles

SHI Shetland Isles

STD Strathclyde

TAY Tayside

WIS Western Isles


Wales - Ceremonial or Ancient Counties

AGY Anglesey

BRE Brecknockshire

CAE Caernarfonshire

CGN Cardiganshire

CMN Carmarthenshire

DEN Denbighshire

FLN Flintshire

GLA Glamorgan

MER Merionethshire

MON Monmouthshire

MGY Montgomeryshire

PEM Pembrokeshire

RAD Radnorshire


 Wales Counties from 1974-1996

CWD Clwyd

DFD Dyfed

GNT Gwent

GWN Gwynedd

MGM Mid Glamorgan

POW Powys

SGM South Glamorgan

WGM West Glamorgan



ANT Antrim

ARM Armagh

CAR Carlow

CAV Cavan

CLA Clare

COR Cork

DON Donegal

DOW Down

DUB Dublin

FER Fermanagh

GAL Galway

KER Kerry

KID Kildare

KIK Kilkenny

LET Leitrim

LEX Leix (formerly Queen's)

LIM Limerick

LDY Londonderry

LOG Longford

LOU Louth

MAY Mayo

MEA Meath

MOG Monaghan

OFF Offaly (formerly King's)

ROS Roscommon

SLI Sligo

TIP Tipperary

TYR Tyrone

WAT Waterford

WEM Westmeath

WEX Wexford

WIC Wicklow

Alphabetical Full List

ABD Aberdeenshire

AGY Anglesey

ALD Alderney

ALL All countries

ANS Angus

ANS Angus (formerly Forfarshire)

ANT Antrim

ARL Argyllshire

ARM Armagh

AYR Ayrshire

BAN Banffshire

BDF Bedfordshire

BEW Berwickshire

BKM Buckinghamshire

BOR Borders

BRE Brecknockshire

BRK Berkshire

BUT Bute (Buteshire)

CAE Caernarfonshire

CAI Caithness

CAM Cambridgeshire

CAR Carlow

CAV Cavan

CEN Central

CGN Cardiganshire

CHI Channel Islands

CHS Cheshire

CLA Clare

CLK Clackmannanshire

CMN Carmarthenshire

CON Cornwall (may not be able to be used - see note)

COR Cork

COW Cornwall (extra - see note below)

CUL Cumberland

CWD Clwyd

DBY Derbyshire

DEN Denbighshire

DEV Devonshire

DFD Dyfed

DFS Dumfriesshire

DGY Dumfries and Galloway

DNB Dunbartonshire

DON Donegal

DOR Dorset

DOW Down

DUB Dublin

DUR Durham

ELN East Lothian (formerly Haddingtonshire)

ENG England

ERY Yorkshire East Riding

ESS Essex

FER Fermanagh

FIF Fife

FIF Fife

FLN Flintshire

GAL Galway

GLA Glamorgan

GLS Gloucestershire

GMP Grampian

GNT Gwent

GSY Guernsey

GWN Gwynedd

HAM Hampshire

HEF Herefordshire

HLD Highland

HRT Hertfordshire

HUN Huntingdonshire

INV Inverness-shire

IOM Isle of Man

IOW Isle of Wight

IRL Ireland

JSY Jersey

KCD Kincardineshire

KEN Kent

KER Kerry

KID Kildare

KIK Kilkenny

KKD Kirkcudbrightshire

KRS Kinross-shire

LAN Lancashire

LDY Londonderry

LEI Leicestershire

LET Leitrim

LEX Leix (formerly Queen's)

LIM Limerick

LIN Lincolnshire

LKS Lanarkshire

LND London (City only)

LOG Longford

LOU Louth

LTN Lothian

MAY Mayo

MDX Middlesex

MEA Meath

MER Merionethshire

MGM Mid Glamorgan

MGY Montgomeryshire

MLN Midlothian (formerly Edinburghshire)

MOG Monaghan

MON Monmouthshire

MOR Moray (formerly Elginshire)

NAI Nairnshire

NBL Northumberland

NFK Norfolk

NRY Yorkshire North Riding

NTH Northamptonshire

NTT Nottinghamshire

OFF Offaly (formerly King's)

OKI Orkney

OKI Orkney Isles

OXF Oxfordshire

PEE Peeblesshire

PEM Pembrokeshire

PER Perthshire

POW Powys

RAD Radnorshire

RFW Renfrewshire

ROC Ross and Cromarty

ROS Roscommon

ROX Roxburghshire

RUT Rutland

SAL Shropshire

SCT Scotland

SEL Selkirkshire

SFK Suffolk

SGM South Glamorgan

SHI Shetland

SHI Shetland Isles

SLI Sligo

SOM Somerset

SRK Sark

SRY Surrey

SSX Sussex

STD Strathclyde

STI Stirlingshire

STS Staffordshire

SUT Sutherland

TAY Tayside

TIP Tipperary

TYR Tyrone

WAR Warwickshire

WAT Waterford

WEM Westmeath

WES Westmorland

WEX Wexford

WGM West Glamorgan

WIC Wicklow

WIG Wigtownshire

WIL Wiltshire

WIS Western Isles

WLN West Lothian (formerly Linlithgowshire)

WLS Wales

WOR Worcestershire

WRY Yorkshire West Riding

YKS Yorkshire



Some versions, at least, of Microsoft Windows operating systems will not allow you to create a directory called CON the Chapman Code for Cornwall, and to overcome this an alternative code COW is used by some of us.


By: Keith Park  Section: Reference Key:
Page Ref: County_codes_list Topic: Reference and Organisation Last Updated: 08/2010

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