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On this page we have two Google calendars, followed below by currency converters.

The top calendar is currently just that, you can look back and forward to see when dates occur.

The lower version also shows diary events for you and possibly others, using the Google calendar system, take a look at the details, to see how to use this facility.

We are experimenting with Google Calendar to see how useful it is and how we can share information. We should be able to use the top calendar to tell you about dates that we feel are of interest, with more information while allowing you to see your information or that of friends in the other.


Other calendars of interest:-


Why not let us know what you feel would be most helpful in a help page
 coming off location guides

Currency converters

Both converters will convert from any currency to any currency, the top one is pre set to go from UK pounds to Euros and the one below from UK pounds to US dollars. To go the opposite way first click on the swap arrow to the right of currency.



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