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Contributors index

An introduction to the contributors index

Contributors are the volunteers that make Photographers Resource grow, and function, without the effort and time that they put in there would be nothing to see. Sponsors and donors empower the provision of the hosting and cover the costs so we an make it available for so many of you to enjoy.

The contributors index allows you to find the articles, location guides, lists, galleries and other items that each contributor has added since edition 64, we did not index this before this point, or carry the name of contributors.

You can reach this index from the 'helping us' section, from the 'By' index button on the top of every page and by clicking on the name of any contributor go direct to their contributors record.

If you enjoy an article or have found a location guide of particular interests then why not see what else the same contributor has produced.

The contributors record contains from  single page to a  whole section of pages depending on the range or contributions that have produced, and as they send in more, the record grows to cover what they have produced. You will see within this set, there is the scope to provide a little information on the contributor if they wish to submit  it.

A word or two on errors

The only way never to make an error is not to do anything, and the more you do the more errors you will make, even if you are as careful and check everything as fully as you can. We therefore accept that there are, as with every publication that has ever been produced, going to be some errors. We are grateful if you can point out any factual errors. Some people while unable to create something themselves seem to enjoy finding errors, and while some may criticize these people, we find they are a great resource, but if this is something that you enjoy, rather than tackling things in a random order let us know and we will suggest a whole series of checks and areas where we could make use of your time in updating our records and supporting any other facts that are wrong or where thing have changed, generally we are not interested in opinions on punctuation, different forms of spelling of the same word, other minor items, life's too shot, and our time is better used in expanding, taking more photos and visiting more places, rather than nit picking.

Would you like to become a contributor

If you would like to consider becoming a contributor then click here to find out how to send in information, you don't need any computer or internet skills, just the inters and desire to share information.

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