Article Re-enactments of Roman BritainEach year there are many displays and re-enactments involving people in the dress and carrying out drill and other actions we think were performed by the Romans when in Britain. These vary from the large multi period events such as the annual English Heritage Festival of History event, complete with large battle scenes, through displays and performances by individual groups down to the practice sessions for these groups.
Of the Roman groups the Ermine Street Guard is the oldest and best known. However other groups are also very interesting. Take for example, Legio II Augusta, this group puts on a good show, displaying authentic looking roman soldiers with shields swords and all, performing their drill, but also explaining each part of their costume and equipment. With them at a recent event, they had a surgeon, doctor with a small hospital explaining how Roman battle damage was treated, a midwife showing her tools and explaining practices, a period cooks hut fully working and feeding them. A table with toys and other items from the period, had grinding of corn, and a leather tent as would be used by the military in the field complete with all equipment. To go with this in addition to the legion in their military gear there were a variety of other costumed characters including children and slaves. All acted in character and were able to answer questions. The reproduction tools and other items they had were very impressive. Below we have listed all the groups we are aware of, and their websites. If you check their websites you will find programmes showing what they have planned. In addition to performing public events they are all involved in acting out scenes for TV and in movies. Some of these links will take you to other groups outside the UK. Below these you will find some wider links to re-enactments and some organisations that re-enactment groups belong to, and below that websites listed for those who supply information, costumes, props and more..... Please let us know if you are aware of others we have missed. Re-enactment Organisations
The Antonine Guard Colchester Roman
The North Guard
Red Shanks (Late Roman
Britain) Roman tours
Vicus - Romans and
Britons http://www.vicus.org.uk/
Wider information on Re-enactment Groups
Overall Organisations Resources for those involved in Re-enactments The book of Roman Arms
and Armour
Military Resources
Roman Military Diplomas
Roman Army site
Roman Resources including