Copinsay Lighthouse
Copinsay, Orkney Isles

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Copinsay is a small island about 3 miles southeast of Point of Ayre on the east
side of the Orkney Mainland. Formerly inhabited, it is now uninhabited and along
with three smaller islets it is now a sanctuary owned by the

The island has nearly a mile of vertical cliffs
up to 76 metres high and is mainly covered in grass, with 10 hectares of arable, hay
and pasture managed as cover for corncrake. More than 1,000 pairs of fulmars
nest on the vertical cliffs as well as other seabirds such as 20,000 guillemots,
700 razorbills, 600 puffins and about 4,500 pairs of kittiwakes, and also Black
guillemots, shags, great black-backed gulls, and Arctic terns. In the breeding
season there will also be eiders, twites, wheatears and ravens. Also on the
wildlife and fauna front during the autumn, a colony of around 2,000 grey seals
come ashore to pup and there are colonies of oysterplant and sea aster on the
islands. Because of it's location and size it is not open to visitors.
The lighthouse is located on the highest point
of the island, and although it is not open to visitors and cannot be visited it
should be visible from Point of Ayre or from ferries approaching the main Orkney
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